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0116 259 8248 Arbor

‘I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.' John 10:10

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Vision and Values

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”   John 10:10


At Tugby our vision inspires pupils and adults to embrace every moment, seek out new experiences and make the most of life.  Our Christian values of love, hope, trust, truth, respect and forgiveness are the drivers for our school family living life in all its fullness.  We believe the purpose of education is to nurture and enable all to flourish and succeed in everything they do.  


As a Church of England Primary School, it is our aim that our school and every member of our school community feels valued and respected, that each person is treated fairly with a fully inclusive philosophy and a clear sense of belonging. We strive to provide an education of the highest quality, encouraging and promoting our Christian Values.


Our School Values


Love    Respect    Truthfulness    Hope     Forgiveness    Trust


To ensure our vision of enabling every child to live life to the full we try to instil our school values into every pupil and staff member.


Love, to think about the needs of others and not just myself.

Respect, to value each other through learning about differences.

Truth, to know it is important for everyone to tell the truth.

Hope, to build a positive mindset and look forwards to the future.

Forgiveness, to be able to say sorry when we get things wrong.

Trust, to build friendships and community based on trust.


We all try to demonstrate these values in the way that we interact with each other. In school this means that children are kind to each other and show each other respect. We celebrate each other’s achievements, give each other support and encouragement when needed and listen to each other with respect, ensuring we value everyone’s ideas. During our celebration assembly certificates are awarded to children who demonstrate these values throughout the week.

At Tugby, we aim to instil confidence and belief within our children and staff so that they can achieve great things and experience the fullness of life.


SIAMS Self-Evaluation

SIAMS Report
