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‘I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.' John 10:10

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.



Curriculum Intent Statement


Our Mission Statement

To develop happy, young people with enquiring minds, a spirit of curiosity, respect for themselves, others and the environment so that they will have the skills, resilience and adaptability to thrive in a rapidly changing world.


Our Values



Thinking about the needs of others and not just myself


Building a positive mind-set which looks forward to the future


I know that it is important for everyone to tell the truth


Building friendships and community, based on trust


Valuing each other through learning about differences


Saying sorry when we get things wrong


School Bible Verse

John 10:10

" I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."


Our curriculum design is sequenced and underpinned by reading, as research shows that reading is the foundation stone of knowledge. Research has shown that children who enjoy reading and can read well by the age of 11 have the door opened to new discoveries and wider interests, to knowledge, creativity and confidence. Reading is the key to unlocking every child’s full potential and opens up a world of possibilities.


Building on a strong foundation of reading, pupils then have the knowledge and skills to write to a greater depth and have the comprehension skills to understand how different kinds of texts are structured, and how they can use this to follow a story or argument. Children learn how to summarise and clarify what they have learned from a text, and to identify for themselves sections or concepts they haven’t understood.


The core reading themes and subject concepts are organised so that the children will continually build on prior knowledge and revisit these key concepts throughout their primary career through planned links within the other curriculum subjects; ultimately ensuring that these key skills and knowledge are embedded in the long-term memory with a mastery understanding. The curriculum is aligned to the National Curriculum endpoints and is sequenced in such a way to enable all pupils to meet them. Subject leaders ensure that all pupils can access the curriculum, including the most disadvantaged, more able and SEND pupils. A new library with new books has been created to emphasise the central importance we give to reading, and this resource can be accessed by all pupils.


During our curricular review we utilised feedback from a range of community stakeholders to ascertain the necessary features and attributes they felt were important for our pupils to develop further in character education. As a consequence, a Forest School, led by a qualified teacher, has been established to support the Personal Development of pupils’ resilience, teamwork and confidence, to enhance knowledge and vocabulary links with curriculum subjects and to improve practical skills in outdoor learning.


As a Christian school we use the curriculum to find ways to explore pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and to include our local communities. We provide a range of experiences, including trips and visits, to enable pupils to understand and respect those from other faiths and communities and also appreciate that people live their lives differently.



Please contact the School Office if you require further information about the school curriculum.
