School Policies
Trust Policies and Documents Please visit the Rise Multi Academy Trust website for all Trust Policies and Documents
This page provides access to certain policies and other documents that are most relevant to our parents.
For further information or to request documents that are not on this page, or to request any of our policies in paper format, please contact the school office.
- Accessibility-policy-and-plan-2024-27.pdf
- Behaviour-policy-2024-2027.pdf
- Charging-for-school-activities-2024-2026.pdf
- Children's anti-bullying policy.pdf
- Collective-worship-policy.pdf
- Feedback Policy 2023-25 Tugby.pdf
- home-school-communication-charter (1).pdf
- Induction-policy 2024-27.pdf
- Medication_Policy_Nov 24 Tugby (1).docx
- Positive-handling-policy.pdf
- PSHE and RSE policy- New consultation May 2023
- Rise Data Protection Policy May24.pdf
- Rise Exclusion Policy Jan24.pdf
- Tugby-primary-school-anti-bullying-policy.pdf
- Volunteers-and-visitors-policy-2024-2027.pdf