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0116 259 8248 Arbor

‘I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.' John 10:10

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Meet our Team

Come and meet the staff at our school!


Executive Headteacher: Mr Neil Bardsley

Headteacher: Miss Anna Dyson

SENCO: Mrs Charlotte Cahill and Miss Alice Squire

Chair of Governors: Mrs Alyson Rees


Reception/KS1 Class Teacher:  Miss A Dyson 

Year 3/4 Class Teacher: Miss A Squire 

Year 5/6 Class Teacher: Miss D Skelton


Cover Supervisor & Club Manager: Miss A Ambler

LSA, Midday Manager: Mrs L Moody

LSA, Midday Supervisor: Mrs S Howlett

Relish School Cook: Mr C Copeland


 Office Administrator: Miss M Carr

 Premises Manager: Mr G Radford
